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Members Update September 2023

Susan & Damian Kuczera

The Big Quiz

We are hosting a Big Quiz Night on the 6th of October at QWyndham Hall; following the success of last year's quiz, we are hosting another quiz and dinner.

Tickets are £12 each and include dinner—teams of up to 6 people.

View the menus and book tickets online on our events page, or at Amesbury History Centre.

Stonehenge Chamber Members Breakfast at The New Inn

Our Next Breakfast networking event is on Thursday, 5th October, at 7:45 a.m. at The New Inn, Amesbury. We hope to see many of you there!

£12 per head, buffet cooked breakfast, including tea/coffee.

The Great Amesbury Duck Race Success

The Great Amesbury Duck Race was held on August Bank Holiday Monday at Lords Walk in Amesbury.

Once again, hundreds of colourful ducks were released down the Avon before being fully accounted for at the finish line.

The event, which was organised by The Stonehenge Chamber of Trade, is in around its 6th year and is supported by local businesses who all sell ducks at £1 each and donate prizes. Amesbury Filling Station also sold ducks at £5, which gained entry to their Amesbury Filling Station Races.

There was also a business duck race sponsored by local businesses, with a finally of an inflatable race as local business owners made waves.

Stonehenge Chamber Gala Dinner


This year, the date for the gala dinner is 18th November. We have booked a Micheal Buble and Motown and Soul classics tribute. So put the date in your diary, and we hope to see you there!

If you would like to be added to our invite list please email

Festive Fayre

Plans are well underway for this year's Festive Fayre. The 2023 event is set to go on a bit later, thanks to being moved to Saturday. As usual, we expect a great array of children's rides & activities, an enlarged market area, food & drink - and, of course, the all-important Santas Grotto. We'll also have live music throughout. Stallholder booking is now open; please see the Chamber website for more details.

Santa is Coming to Town

The Chamber is welcoming back Santa in 2023, with its annual Sleigh Runs covering Shrewton, Longhedge and Amesbury. With the advent of affordable battery-powered Christmas lights, the events committee is discussing the idea of holding a 'light parade' this year - whereby members can join Santa's convoy in their work vehicles, decorated with lights and tinsel. This could be a great advertising opportunity and maybe the start of something bigger in the coming years. If you are interested in participating or want more information, please email the events committee via


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